Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Editing Makes me Happy

Oh, my happiness project is so dorky today, but oh so true.  I guess I'm just a big dork...or nerd...or whatever the kids are calling it these days, lol.  Editing pictures makes me happy!  I love taking a raw picture and editing it into something that I think is just perfect. 

I love it so much I started a brand new blog today just to showcase my pictures and my edits. 

What makes you happy? 
Join in with Leigh vs. Laundry and share today!


  1. its one of my fave things to do too

  2. I haven't learned how to do this, but I'm pretty sure if I did, I would have zero free time left.

  3. This is a beautiful picture. What photo editing software do you use?

  4. very cool and love the editing!

  5. Chocolate makes me happy:-)

    I am Johnnie-come-lately with the Welcomistas! But, I wanted to chime in to welcome you to the SITs party:-)

  6. I love photo editing too. Creativity brings me unabated joy. I can't wait to check out your new venture!


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