I'm now thinkin' over at
the Colour 4
I hope you come over and join me! (and feel free to un-friend here too ... no offense taken)

No, not physically moving ... already done that once this year and I'm cool with that, lol. Moving ... as in I'm moving in the internet blog world It’s like when you have two kids and people jokingly ask; “Which one do you love more?” Or one of the kids asks … then it’s not quite as jokingly … and you have to answer ‘You of course’ even if it’s not true at that moment. I have two blogs. One for writing. One for pictures. I feel like I have a split personality … so in order to avoid the which do you love most question … and to piece myself back together … I took my favorite parts of both blogs and combined them into one brand new part-of-me blog! Don’t you wish you could do that with your kids sometimes? So … what are you still doing here? Come visit me at my new home: It's still under construction a bit, but I would really really really love for you to come join me here too!!!!!! |
Tummy rumbling Stuck at the end of the line; food obscured by hips and butts ahead Tummy rumbling Why did church have to last so long? Smell of food; good home cooking Southern food Tummy rumbling louder I can see the start of the food! Grab my tray and point out my lunch: Fried Chicken (dark meat only) Macaroni and cheese with lots of thick cheese on top Fried Okra Lima beans All by myself, balance the heavy tray to the table with my family and order some chocolate milk; in the cup please, not the carton Savor hot and tender chicken with crispy fatty skin; my favorite part. Next macaroni and cheese with the thick burnt cheese topping all coming up in one bite. Sip rich and creamy chocolate milk and pop in a fried okra or two. Tummy almost full A lima or two stays on the plate keeping the chicken bones company Sunday morning church and fellowship Sunday afternoon cooking at the PawPaw Patch I think it’s time for a nap ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This post is brought to you from Red Writing Hood's prompt of describing a favorite meal and Sunday dinners at the PawPaw Patch |