Welcome to my blog! How did I come up with the title Just Thinkin'? Well, from multiple converstations in the past that usually go like this:
"Whatcha doing""Just Thinkin'"
"Thinkin' 'bout what"
"Oh nothing"
Well, I thought I would share with all of you what I'm really Just Thinkin' about.
We are a young family living in Nashville, TN. I love Nashville!!!!!!
Christian head of our household, Daddy, Husband, Military brat, PK, sports nut, family comedian, musician, critic, and all around wonderful guy.
Follower of Christ, Wife, Mommy, Queen of the laundry, boo-boo kisser, scientist, pianist, avid reader and blog writer.
Baptized by the Holy Spirit, "Boo", Princess, 2 going on 13, tantrum thrower, kiss giver, family goofball and loves all things stickers
Birthday Tickers
Baptized by the Holy Spirit, "Baby Audrey", thumb sucker, declared 'perfect baby' by the doctor, happy baby, coo-er, and bubble blower
Birthday Tickers