I have tendinitis in my wrists from playing handbellsI broke my ankle as a child on Christmas EveI work in an immunology lab even though I failed immunology in collegeI'm one of the few Southerners who don't like Sweet Tea or Coke- We moved to Nashville because I got a job at Vanderbilt
The diamond in my ring is my Mother-in-law's diamond from the ring my Father-in-law proposed withThe year after I graduated, they removed my degree from Auburn
#3 is the TRUTH!!!! Immunology was one of those classes you could choose from as an elective for my non-existent major. Don't worry ... I used a "GAP" = grade adjustment policy and now it's gone from my record, but not from my memory, lol. I'm still doing pretty well at work though! (ironic ... right)
#5 is a LIE!!!!! We actually moved up to Nashville because Andrew was offered a job at T-mobile ... even though I was the one who had just graduated with a bachelors degree. And then the economy started sucking ... T-Mobile 're-arranged', and Andrew was laid off. Right after he had surgery to remove his gal-bladder. But that's a whole 'nother story, :-)

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