Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Flashback Awesomness

My mom brought me some of my old photo albums via my dad who came to visit on his way to a business meeting in KY.  Well ... in less confusing terms ... my dad brought me my old picture albums and made my night!!!!!
Thanks Mom!

I would guess this picture is from somewhere in the mid-90's.  First off, check out our styling fanny-packs ... even my Dad has one!  I never could figure out why they where called fanny packs when you didn't wear them on your fanny?  Next, well ... you gotta love the outfits and our neon shoelaces. My little sister has her head buried in a cup, haha!  Oh and if you look really close, I have band-aids on not one, but both of my knees.  I showed my dad and he said 'well...if I remember correctly you were pretty much a klutz."  Thanks Dad...I won't talk about your blue jean shorts or flat billed hat, or the cup hanging off of your fanny pack.  Nope, won't mention it at all...

This photo cracked me up!  It is me and my little sister, again sometime mid-90's.  I guess it was dress-up day?  love it!  Great picture mom!
and this is one of my most cherised pictures.  It is me and my Papa...you can read more about my Papa and how I inherited his photography skills here.

Have a wonderful wednesday!

Linked up with sevenclowncircus, fiveminutesformom, two of a kind, live out loud, marvelous mommy


  1. You know I have to comment on these! That first picture cracked me up. and the second one too! I can say that I knew y'all way back then! Can you believe we've known each other that long?!?

  2. Cool pics. Have a great day! I'm a new follower.

  3. Love the pics! Sadly I looked just like that in the early 90's what were we thinking?

  4. I just saw a guy wearing a fanny pack yesterday. I guess he's still in the 90s.

  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday! I see you like photography too! Come back today because I have a little photo challenge posted. Hope you'll play along!

  6. What a lovely look back!! I remember the neon shoe laces, and sometimes I still use a Fanny pack (shhh...don't tell), but yea never on your fanny!!

  7. oh my goodness..those are great! I'm too scared to show old pics of me!

  8. oh, i'm too scared to post old pictures of mine...

  9. Why did we use those fanny packs? Its so fun to look back at old pics like that.

  10. Oh my goodness! I feel horrible. I'm just now realizing that I didn't stop by and visit your WW post last week. I'm so sorry. I'm here now and loving the fannypack photo. lol
    Thanks so much for stopping by last week. I hope you'll stop by and link up again this week, even though I'm a total loser and stopped by 7 days later. lol Have a great day.

    Kristi, Live and Love...Out Loud


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