subtitle...7am classes suck!
Sophmore year I took genetics, which met at 7. Yes, that is 7am. Rumor was the prof liked to golf so he held class as early as he could...or he was just an ass. So, usually between my hour break from 7am to 9am classes I would go to a local coffee store and wake myself up with caffiene, but one day I went to breakfast at the student center with a friend. That day Andrew (who CAN NOT wake up in the mornings, for real) had actually woken up for his 8am rehersal, but it was cancelled. He headed over to the student center for a new ID where he saw he friend I was eating with (a mutual friend). He came over...we chatted about how we dislike the NBA (although he claims that is false...its not, I remember), and then we went about our marry ways. Oh yeah, we Dan introduced us I said "Hi! I'm Christy." Andrew said "I know." (sidenote - we were both in marching band...he had noticed me, I hadn't noticed him) What a stalker. That night I got this message on facebook (back when facebook was tiny and only for college students)
"It was nice meeting you today! I can't believe we haven't talked before that, cause I see you around ALL the time. I just get so busy, that i don't get to talk to everyone. I really enjoyed talking with you today though! You seem to be pretty cool ;) I hope we get tohave some more conversations in the future. :) ~ AndrewP.S. my screenname is billytheeuph on aim, if you ever want to chat."
we did talk on aim, no he wasn't a stalker, and yes we did fall in love :-)
Day 2: A favorite date
subtitle...Ballet in Atlanta
Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. He took me to see Madame Butterfly performed by the Atlanta Ballet and we ate at this super cool resturant that didn't check my id when I ordered a martini (because I was 20...shhhhh don't tell).
Day 3 (today): The Proposal
subtitle...a good talk
When I found out I was pregnant our relationship was on the fritz. And by that I mean we were broken up, together again, I hate you break up, I love you why did you leave, and so on and so forth. I wasn't ready to be a mommy...Andrew (and his family) wanted the baby. I meet with an adoption attorney ... they didn't like that. Life was confusing, frustrating and stressful. Suggestions (some nice and friendly, most forced and judgmental) were coming in from every angle. I went to a doc appointment and had an ultrasound. While I was in there looking at this baby growing in my tummy, the nurse asked if I wanted to know the sex of the baby. On the spot I said, sure..why not. (I promise, this has to do with the proposal) a girl :-). Andrew picked me up later that day. We went to lunch (at Chick-fil-A) and I showed him the pictures. That was the day we decieded we were going to be a family and raise this precious baby together.
A couple of weeks later, he presented me with a diamond necklace...the diamond was the one his dad had given his mom when they got engaged. We set it to a ring and I love that I have my MIL's diamond. I used to be jealous that it wasn't all romantic and unexpected, but I'm getting over it, lol!

She was more important to the proposal than the ring :-)

Ooooh...yeah, a baby beats a romantic proposal, anyday! Look at that gorgeous little girl!
ReplyDeletestopping by from SITS...and can i just say how precious that baby! so cute! great looking kiddos!
ReplyDeleteStopping by from SITS and wishing you a Happy Tuesday!!! :)
ReplyDeleteThats an amazing story! All that fustration and confusion brings a family together!! I LOVE IT!!! Shes beautiful!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your stories! Your baby is so beautiful!