Friday, September 24, 2010

Where I'm From

The Red Dress Club has reminded me that you can't know where you are going until you know where you are from.

I am from Saturday morning soccer games and Sunday morning church, from Umbro shorts and Old Navy skirts.

I am from the white house on the cul-de-sac with the ever-changing flower beds, babbling creek at the bottom of homemade trails, and friendly golden retriever always escaping her pen.

I am from the transplanted willow tree saved from new home construction, the row of crepe-myrtles always blooming down the driveway.

I am from evening dinners around the kitchen table and dessert on the couch.

I am from the determination to meet perfection, where I know I can dream to reach the stars with hard work and elbow grease; and from a faith that reminds my lifestyle is my greatest witness.

From ‘hats on the bed are bad luck’ and ‘bread and butter’ should always be spoken when clasped hands are parted.

I am from Methodist services rich with tradition; hymns sung from the heart.  Where family never lacked in pot-lucks and car washes, and a friendly hug and smile was always around the corner.

I'm from the home of Vulcan and the Heart of Dixie, sweet tea and barbeque sandwiches.

From the times my mom and I tried to make the flowers grow in my own special garden to the afternoons spent helping my dad cut trails in the backyard, and the evenings on the deck eating home grilled burgers and swatting at mosquitoes.

I am from photo albums and scrapbook boxes, family traditions that pass through the ages and new ones being formed everyday.  I am from my past and loved sparked from the memories of a sight, a smell or a familiar chord. 

also linked with Ms. 4444's Saturday Sampling; a wonderful way to meet new blogs!Saturday Sampling


  1. I want your where I'm from. Mine was great, but yours sounds so warm and comforting!!!

  2. LOVE it! I'm really enjoying reading all the Where I'm Froms today! Yours paints a beautiful picture!

  3. Great Post!!!! Gotta love Vulcan, sweet tea and BBQ sandwiches!!!

  4. I absolutely LOVE this!!!!

  5. I first saw/did the Where I'm From thing nearly 10 years ago! It's still awesome. :)

  6. "I am from the transplanted willow tree saved from new home construction, the row of crepe-myrtles always blooming down the driveway."
    This is my favorite line. I can see your memory, vividly.

  7. I loved this post! HOw neat! And I have never heard that hats on beds are bad luck

  8. It sounds like you had such a happy childhood. What a beautiful gift.
    I love this part: "...ever-changing flower beds, babbling creek at the bottom of homemade trails..."

  9. 'hats on the bed are bad luck’

    When I tell people this usually they look at me like I'm crazy! I still won't put one on the bed, and my husband is learning to deal with my quirk.

  10. Beautiful. Everyone's where I'm from have been so great!! I love where you are from. Can I come there?

  11. I enjoyed your work. Very homey, down to earth and inviting.

  12. Oh! Umbro shorts! I haven't thought of those in years - thanks for the memory!

  13. Umbro shorts! I had a rocking hot pink pair, although the closest I came to playing soccer was watching my brother from the sidelines.

  14. Wow. Evocative indeed. Your life flashes before me. I should o this exercise too.

    Coming via Saturday Sampling

  15. This is a beautiful and evocative piece of writing, I loved it :-)

    Here via Saturday Sampling.

  16. I love your post and I love where you are from!

  17. I gave you an award!


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